Support Florida's Arts Community in the Face of Funding Cuts

By: CultureOwl
Mixed Arts
Support Florida's Arts Community in the Face of Funding Cuts

Governor Ron DeSantis vetoed $32M in grant support for 663 arts and culture organizations across the state.

The devastating decision to veto funding for Florida's arts organizations is flabbergasting. It reflects a shortsightedness towards the immense value the arts bring to our state. The arts play a vital role in enriching lives, fostering creativity, and driving economic growth. Lower audience numbers in recent years have already presented challenges to cultural organizations, and these cuts threaten to further strain an already stressed system.

CultureOwl stands with the arts community! Funding cuts can mean tough choices, but together we can ensure the vibrant tapestry of arts and culture keeps our lives meaningful. Imagine a world without music, museums, or the thrill of live theater. A world without color. We can't let that happen! Let's all do our part to support the arts – attend local events, donate if you can, and spread the word about the power of creativity in our lives.

Sunshine and palm trees make Florida paradise, and the vibrant arts community completes the package, making it the best state to visit and to live in - Don’t you agree? Florida has come a long way in the past two decades and become a world arts destination because of the growth of our vibrant arts community. 

Let’s Band Together To Keep The Arts Alive!

  • Buy tickets - go out and see more performances. Venture out of your comfort zone and immerse in different types of performances and experiences.
  • Gift the arts - buy tickets as a unique gift idea and support the arts at the same time! 
  • Subscribe - commit to leading a colorful, culturally-rich lifestyle with annual subscriptions to the theater, opera, symphony, or any other experience you enjoy.
  • Advocate - Raise your voice and express your support. We are louder in numbers. Let Tallahassee know that the arts matter and are vital to any thriving community.
  • Contact Governor DeSantis
  • Contact Florida Council on Arts and Culture
  • Contact your legislators

Be vocal! Help us make our state officials understand that this short-sighted decision to cut funding for the arts will cost our communities much more in the long run.

We at CultureOwl believe that the arts & culture have the potential to be an even stronger driver of economic growth in the future and provide high-quality jobs in the State of Florida. Let's band together to make it happen!

Click here for the Cultural Events Calendar.

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