GERMAN LOPEZ CONCERT Special Guests Aymeé Nuviola &  Sammy Figueroa

GERMAN LOPEZ CONCERT Special Guests Aymeé Nuviola & Sammy Figueroa

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Date & Time

10:37 AM

Price $$20

Venue Koubek Center at Miami Dade College
2705 SW 3rd Street

Phone Number 305.237.7772

TAGS: Music

The Koubek Center presents master timplist Germán López from the Canary Islands, Spain, and his New Album, Alma, with Special Guests cuban singer Aymeé Nuviola and legendary percussionist Sammy Figueroa

Germán López is a master of the timple, the small five-stringed guitar native to the Canary Islands, a cousin in a family of instruments that includes the Venezuelan cuatro, the cavaquinho, the ukulele, and the charango. What has distinguished López's career since its beginnings has been his approach, aiming at putting the timple on the global stage and exploring its possibilities in fusions beyond traditional music. López, accompanied by his quintet and special guests, including percussionist Sammy Figueroa, will perform at the Koubek Center on Friday, November 18. López will present his new album, Alma (Virgin Music), his fifth under his own name but the first on an international label.

What: German López, timplist, presenting his new album ALMA, special guests Aymeé Nuviola and Sammy Figueroa
When: Friday, November 18 - 8 PM
Where: Koubek Center Theater (2705 SW, 3rd St. Miami, Fl 33135)
Tickets: $20 in advance - $25 at the door
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