Date & Time
Price FREE
Koubek Center at Miami Dade College
2705 SW 3rd Street
Miami, FL 33135
Phone Number 305.237.7772
Enjoy the next Family Picnic de Libros
Presented by Koubek Center and Miami Book Fair.
Picnic de Libros is a multidisciplinary, bilingual, and free event that aims to bring children closer to literature and the arts through stories, poems, crafts, tongue twisters, riddles, music, and more. There will also be picnic baskets full of books to read and enjoy.
The next Picnic will feature:
• Puppet craft workshop led by actress Danly Arango.
• Storytelling presented by Imago x las artes
• Fragment of the children's theater play "The Amazing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe"
• Creative Stage Productions and its funny characters
Saturday, March 15 – 2 to 5 PM
Koubek Center (2705 SW 3rd St. Miami, FL, 33135)
Free entry and valet parking with RSVP: https://www.squadup.com/events/picnic-de-libros-2