Dive Into Art: Coral Creations Featured Exhibit

Date & Time

10 AM - 5 PM

Price $$15 per adult, $7 per child

Venue History of Diving Museum
82990 Overseas Highway
Islamorada, FL 33036 GET DIRECTIONS

Phone Number 305.664.9737

Join the History of Diving Museum and see our new featured exhibit - Dive Into Art: Coral Creations!

For this sixth annual Dive Into Art installation, students from Key Largo to Key West are participating, along with skilled members of the Art Guild of the Purple Isles. All artworks are united with a theme of inspiring coral conservation. Educational interpretive from local coral restoration practitioners will inform visitors about the reefs of the Florida Keys, programs to rebuild and protect them, and ways everyone can participate.

This exhibit will be open until April 17th, so be sure to stop by. We'll see you there!