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Chopin Scholarship Awards Announced the 2021 Winners

By: CultureOwl
Chopin Scholarship Awards Announced the 2021 Winners

The Chopin Foundation has announced the winners of the Scholarship Program for Young Pianists for the 2021-22 school year. Pianists between the ages of 14-17 can apply for the program and receive up to 4 years of support to help further their musical training.

During the program, pianists study the repertoire required for the National Chopin Piano Competition which is held every 5 years. This opportunity gives applicants guidance and experience to prepare for the Competition, which can ultimately lead to securing a place at the International Competition held in Warsaw. To see all 2021 scholarship recipients, click here.

Many laureates of the National Chopin Piano Competition are alumni of the Scholarship Program, including 3 top winners from the 2020 Competition. They each completed all four years of the program and now they are headed to this year's postponed 18th International Chopin Competition which will take place in just a few weeks: Avery Gagliano (1st prize), Evren Ozel (2nd prize) and Chelsea Guo (co 4th prize).

We can't wait to follow their progress in Warsaw October 2nd through 23rd!

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