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Outdoor Dining Area
06:00 PM - 09:00 PM
06:00 PM - 09:00 PM
06:00 PM - 09:00 PM


(19 Reviews)

Chef Kevin Gillespie’s restaurant Gunshow offers a bold, interactive take on the traditional dining experience. Dishes are presented to guests tableside by the chefs and cooks that prepared them. Cocktails are prepared tableside on a rolling bar cart where diners can talk to the bartender about the cocktails being prepared for them. Gunshow is a dinner and a show all in one. Along with an innovative dining experience, the restaurant’s design is also unique. The dining room is an extension of the kitchen with few walls where guests are seated at communal tables in view of the kitchen, Gunshow has created a sense of transparency throughout the entire dining experience. The name Gunshow is a tribute to Chef Gillespie’s family. Growing up in Georgia, Kevin’s father worked seven days a week to provide a better life for his family. On the rare Sunday afternoon, he had off, father and son would often go to a gun show.

Address24 Garrett St.
Atlanta,, GA 30316 Map

Phone Number404.380.1886

Price Range
