The Moth StorySLAM Live at Miramar Cultural Center
Create Your Profile & Join the Cultural Movement!Date & Time
Price $15
Miramar Cultural Center | ArtsPark
2400 Civic Center Place
Miramar, FL 33025
Phone Number 954.602.4500
The Moth StorySLAM is an open-mic storytelling competition in which anyone can share a true, personal, 5-minute story on the night's theme. Sign up for a chance to tell a story or sit back and enjoy the show! Tonight’s theme is…
LOVE HURTS: Prepare a five-minute tale about a love that made you go OUCH. The agony of deferred love! The misery of good love, gone bad! The anguish of one-way love! Bring stories of your heart, kicked to the curb by the people or places or things you love...or used to love. Love that "Hurts So Good" also welcome.
Doors Open: 6:00 PM
Show Starts: 7:00 PM