Mr. Entertainment Starring Bobby Brooks Wilson

Date & Time

9:52 AM

Price $$36.50 (Middle & Rear Orchestra), $46.50 (VIP & Front Orchestra)

Venue Boca Black Box
8221 Glades Road #10
Boca Raton, FL 33434 GET DIRECTIONS

Phone Number 561.483.9036

Bobby Brooks Wilson is the son of famed soul singer, Jackie Wilson, but he didn’t always know that. Bobby grew up loving music and only found out who his biological father was after so many people told him that he looked and sounded just like him! After serving in the US Navy, Bobby started his musical career in Hawaii where he joined The Love Notes. Fans of his father were skeptical at first, but after hearing his beautiful voice they were sold. Bobby also discussed in his NAMM Oral History interview the influence Otis Redding had on him, and how having an opera singer as a vocal coach helped him further his vocal style. Bobby is still performing all over the world with original material and covers of his father’s iconic songs.