Gordon Lightfoot Tribute with Eric Elison

Date & Time


Price $38-48

Venue Boca Black Box
8221 Glades Road #10
Boca Raton, FL 33434 GET DIRECTIONS

Phone Number 561.483.9036

TAGS: Music

Well it started when Eric Elison was young. His mom trained as an Opera Singer, and they always had music around the home. He frequently sang along to recordings of all the great musicals, Oklahoma!, South Pacific, Camelot, and the King and I. Some of his favorite albums growing up were: Sing Along With Mitch (Mitch Miller), and Nelson Eddy's, Stout Hearted Men. When he got into High School he listened to James Taylor, Jim Croce, John Denver, and yes Gordon Lightfoot. Eric Elison was taken with Gordon Lightfoot's incredible songwriting, and vocal.

When Eric Elison attended college at the University of Florida (Number One Party School), he began playing at bars and coffee shops around town. Gordon Lightfoot was one of the artists whose songs he played frequently (along with Jackson Browne, and Dan Fogelberg). After graduation, he flew aircraft for the US Navy, but continued to play and sing. Lightfoot Fans will be pleased to know that he played Gordon Lightfoot's Songs for my fellow Squadron Mates in Antarctica!

Fast forward to 2017, when Eric Elison became a full time Singer-Songwriter. He recorded his first project, an EP titled Westside Cafe with Producer Tom Manche at his Studio X. A few weeks after the project was finished, Tom called him and remarked on how much he sounded like Gordon Lightfoot, and that he and others around Nashville, thought Eric Elison should become a Gordon Lightfoot Tribute Artist.

Well the rest as they say is History. Eric Elison took Tom's advice, because he have always loved Gordon Lightfoot's Music, and it's his belief that audiences around the World should have the opportunity to hear Gordie's songs performed live in a Gordon Lightfoot Tribute Show!