Disc-Cover "irrepetible" Album Release Adolfo Herrera

Date & Time

12:00 AM

Price $$25

Venue Koubek Center at Miami Dade College
2705 SW 3rd Street

Phone Number 305.237.7750

TAGS: Music

In a new installment of Disc-Cover@Koubek, the series dedicated to supporting the release of new recordings by South Florida artists, the Koubek Center at Miami Dade College presents Irrepetible (Unrepeatable), a new work by Venezuelan percussionist, composer, and producer Adolfo Herrera, on June 1 at 8 p.m.

An adventurous project, Irrepetible features ten pieces improvised as a response to texts especially created for the recording by figures such as Cesar Miguel Rondón, Gloria Cuenca, Leonardo Padron, and the lamented singer-songwriter Aquiles Baez, who passed away in 2022. The brief texts address universal and personal themes, such as love, exile, loneliness, beauty, and humanity, and served as the trigger and reference for spontaneous musical improvisations.

The unrepeatability of these musical responses is "the very essence of life," says Herrera, but it's also a challenge for a fair representation in a live concert.

For the Disc-Cover@Koubek performance, Herrera and his quartet will offer a music program that will include video projections as they "walk through the themes of the album -- love, light, uncertainty, death," says Herrera. "There will not be free improvisations like in the album, but we will weave these themes with composed music and other music by Venezuelan composers."