Date & Time

7:00 PM & 9:00 PM

Price $$36.05 (Middle & Rear Orchestra), $46.35 (VIP & Front Orchestra)

Venue Boca Black Box
8221 Glades Road #10
Boca Raton, FL 33434 GET DIRECTIONS

Phone Number 561.483.9036

Ben Brainard is a comedian with a natural ability to make any crowd laugh. Originally from Daytona Beach, and now living in Orlando. During quarantine, Ben found viral success producing “The Table,” a sketch comedy series about how the various states of the US are handling current events.

Since a very young age, Ben has been “the funny kid,” or at least, “the kid that will cheer you up,” but, oddly enough, standup comedy was never really a part of his plan. Ben has always said “yes” to opportunities, and his “I’ll try anything once” attitude has ultimately led to some hilarious stories and an irrationally high 26 different jobs since he turned 16.

Standing at only 5’5 and weighing in at 125lbs, Ben is not an intimidating presence, but don’t let his size fool you! He packs some serious punchlines! From jokes about his stature to hilarious stories about dating, jobs, general life mishaps and even his crazy family, Ben is sure to have you laughing until your sides hurt!