Date & Time
Price $20
Deering Estate
16701 SW 72nd Ave
Miami, FL 33157
Phone Number 3052351668
The Deering Estate is part of the Biscayne Bay IBA (Important Bird Area) recognized as a globally important habitat for the conservation of bird populations. Search for some of the Deering Estate’s estimated 170 resident and migratory bird species. Watch for ibises, herons, egrets and other shorebirds in and around the shallow coastal waters. Bugs & mosquitos are very common throughout the year, please come prepared (mosquito spray/lotion, long sleeve shirts, & long pants are suggested). Binoculars are highly suggested. This program is for adults and youth ages 4+. Guests are encouraged to document their flora & fauna findings on the iNaturalist app. (Available on Google Play and App Store).
Bird Walks are seasonal, held generally on the 2nd Saturday a month, October through May.
Cost: $20 (members & non-members). Space is limited! Ticket price includes general admission to the Estate during regular Estate hours (10AM to 4PM) the same day of your visit.
Tour meets at the Visitor Center.