Connect with Friends on CultureOwl

By: CultureOwl
Mixed Arts
Connect with Friends on CultureOwl

CultureOwl followers Know that they can search the calendar for the perfect cultural outing based on their preferences, location, and lifestyle. The cultural platform features all types of events and there is something for everyone. In addition to active social media handles featuring weekly events, a bi-monthly email is sent to all registered users with upcoming performances and events to help all Culture lovers live creatively.

Now, CultureOwl users can connect with friends and family on the platform and view the events liked by their connections so they can plan to attend together. If two friends like the same event, they both receive a notification so they can plan to attend together. The email even suggests nearby dining options to complete the cultural outing.

Being a CultureOwl follower has many benefits. Not only are you in the know of everything happening culturally around you, but you also receive member-only invitations to events and discounts on tickets and experiences. Best of all, registration is free so if you are not yet registered with CultureOwl, click here.

Once registered, you can connect with friends and begin your journey toward a rich, cultural lifestyle.

Click here for the Cultural Events Calendar.

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