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Support Local Artists & Arts Organizations This Giving Tuesday

By: Press Release
Support Local Artists & Arts Organizations This Giving Tuesday

Since 2012, the nation has widely participated in Giving Tuesday, a specified annual day and year-round global movement that inspires people to give, collaborate, and celebrate generosity. This effort in generosity has grown to be a rallying cry for many smaller arts and community organizations to crowd-fund or gain local support for their projects and initiatives through donations and special events and services. Coming up on November 29th, Giving Tuesday could be a helpful resource for many of our art and community partners.

Local organizations like the Georgia Center for Nonprofits have compiled helpful resources for local organizations to utilize during the month of November and Giving Tuesday or "GAgives," locally.

Below are just a few suggested tips for a successful giving campaign this year:

  • Visit to register your campaign
  • Organize your campaign and schedule a kickoff
  • Set a theme and goal for your campaign and promote it to your email list and social media followers.
  • Keep your audience engaged with unique posts and incentives.
  • Join GAives #GAgenerosity challenge to help amplify your campaign reach

For more on how to participate in GivingTuesday, click here.

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