Professional Development Lecture

Date & Time

9:10 PM

Price FREE

Venue The Frank Gallery
601 City Center Way
Pembroke Pines, FL 33025 GET DIRECTIONS

Phone Number 954.392.2120

Learn how to refine your 1-minute elevator pitch, how to format your professional bio, and how to refine your artist statement from art professional Laura Marsh.

Bring your artist statement and bio to edit as you gain new insight into the best practices during this lecture.

Laura Marsh is an advocate for fellow artists and is passionate about teaching professional literacy, how to edit support materials for every inquiry, and how to develop strategies to plan and implement projects. Marsh received her MFA from Yale University School of Art and a BFA from the Cleveland Institute of Art. She has exhibited nationally at venues including The Whitney Museum of American Art, Printed Matter, Field Projects, Jane Lombard Gallery, Tilton Gallery in NY, Locust Projects, Bernice Steinbaum Gallery, and Deering Estate in Miami. As a textile artist, her textiles, banners, and sculptures represent vibrant social messages about overcoming obstacles and forming new humanitarian statements.